adopted child

adopted child
юр. усыновленный ребенок (ребенок, опека над которым была передана неродным, приемным родителями после формальной процедуры усыновления)

Англо-русский экономический словарь.

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Смотреть что такое "adopted child" в других словарях:

  • adopted child — Any person, whether an adult or a minor, who is legally adopted as the child of another in a court proceeding. (See also: adoption) Category: Divorce & Family Law Nolo’s Plain English Law Dictionary. Gerald N. Hill, Kathleen Thompson Hill. 2009 …   Law dictionary

  • adopted child — One having by virtue of an adoption proceeding in conformity with the statutes the legal incidents of the natural relation of parent and child. 2 Am J2d Adopt § 88. Sometimes, but not always, considered a lawful heir or legal heir. 2 Am J2d Adopt …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Adopted child syndrome — is a controversial term that has been used to explain behaviors in adopted children that are claimed to be related to their adoptive status. Specifically, these include problems in bonding, attachment disorders, lying, stealing, defiance of… …   Wikipedia

  • adopted child — child that is taken legally into and raised in a family that is not his original biological family …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Adopted Child Syndrome — Das Adopted Child Syndrome ist eine umstrittene Erkrankung, die angeblich bei adoptierten Kindern auftritt. Es wird von einigen Wissenschaftlern als eine Unterform der posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung angesehen. Seine Existenz wird besonders… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • The Cowboy's Adopted Child — est un film muet américain réalisé par Frank Montgomery et sorti en 1912. Fiche technique Réalisation : Frank Montgomery Scénario : Frank Montgomery Production : William Nicholas Selig Date de sortie :  États Unis :… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • child — n pl chil·dren 1: a son or daughter of any age and usu. including one formally adopted compare issue ◇ The word child as used in a statute or will is often held to include a stepchild, an illegitimate child, a person for whom one stands in loco… …   Law dictionary

  • Child laundering — is the stealing and selling of children to adopting parents under false pretenses. Often the adoption agency or adoption facilitator hides or falsifies the child s origin to make the child appear to be a legitimate orphan by manipulating birth… …   Wikipedia

  • adopted —   Hānai.    ♦ Adopted brother or sister, kaikua ana hānai, kaikaina hānai, kaikuahine hānai, kaikunāne hānai.    ♦ Adopted child, hānai, keiki hānai.    ♦ Legally adopted child, keiki hānai ho ohiki.    ♦ Siblings in the relationship may speak of …   English-Hawaiian dictionary

  • child —   Keiki, kama; nōpu u (Ni ihau).   Also: lei, pua, liko, ōpu u, hāpu u, hānau, poke o. See orphan.    ♦ Beloved child, kama lei, pua lei, lei kau maka, keiki punahele.    ♦ Only child, kama kahi, hua kahi, hānau kahi (see saying, a o).    ♦… …   English-Hawaiian dictionary

  • adopted — a|dopt|ed [əˈdɔptıd US əˈda:p ] adj 1.) an adopted child has been legally made part of a family that he or she was not born into ▪ his adopted son 2.) your adopted country is one that you have chosen to live in permanently …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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